About the IFSTA-FPP blended elearning websites

  • Resource One http://resourceone.osufpp.org or http://r1.osufpp.org — Resource One is a Moodle-based learning community that hosts the main home page for the course, whether it is delivered in a traditional classroom setting or in a blended online format. Instructors may choose to make various materials available such as a course syllabus, chapter reading lists, PowerPoint® presentations, assignments and activities, supplemental handouts, online quizzes and tests, interactive flash cards, and much more. Depending on the way a course has been constructed, other tools may be available, including an online calendar, discussion forum, glossary, drop boxes (links) to upload homework, and lists of helpful web sites.

  • FPP eLearning http://elearning.osufpp.org or http://elearn.osufpp.org — The FPP eLearning web site powers interactive, multimedia courseware modules. The courseware includes the video, audio, and text-based interactive content.

Each of the above web sites includes a link to the other to make navigation easier for students who require access to both servers.

Last modified: Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 12:10 PM