Enrollment options

Walton County Fire & Rescue - Firefighter I


The Basic Volunteer Firefighter Training Course (BVFTC) will run from May 6th thru August 31st. This courseĀ  reflects the new NFPA 1001, 2013 edition standard, as well as NFPA 472 competencies (Hazardous Materials Core Level training) that affect the Basic Firefighter level. The students will be tested mentally and physically in stages throughout the course delivery to ensure competence and ability at the most basic levels of firefighting. At the end of the course delivery, a day will be set aside to allow for the Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council (GFSTC) to administer the NPQ Firefighter I skills testing.


Personnel who wish to complete training to the level of NPQ Fire Fighter 1 and qualify for Certification.

Self enrollment (Cadet)
Self enrollment (Cadet)