Topic outline

  • General

    Company Officer

    Welcome to the Company Officer online course.

    This course uses IFSTA's Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th ed. You are strongly encouraged to use the reading assignments in this manual to supplement your learning.

    Additional study materials are available for purchase on our website to help ensure your success when taking the certification exam.


  • Chapter 1 - The Company Officer I

  • Chapter 2 - Organizational Structure

  • Chapter 3 - Leadership and Supervision

  • Chapter 4 - Human Resources Management I

  • Chapter 5 - Communications

  • Chapter 6 - Administrative Functions

  • Chapter 7 - Health and Safety Issues

  • Chapter 8 - Company-Level Training

  • Chapter 9 - Community Relations and Company-Level Fire Inspections

  • Chapter 10 - Preincident Surveys

  • Chapter 11 - Delivery of Emergency Service I

  • Course Completion

    • Once all course requirements are completed, fill out the online course evaluation, and access and print your Notice of Completion.