Enrollment options

I want to welcome everyone to this online course. The goal is to start on January 18, and wrap up the course by February 24th. You will need to complete two chapters per week to accomplish this. I would like to try to schedule the practical skill portion on either the weekend of February 24th, 

Ron and Chief Warner will be keeping track of each of your progressions throughout this course and are available for help if needed. Feel free to use this discussion forum to ask questions. 

I hope to have each one of you a Hazardous Materials for First Responder and an ERG for your to pick up on your schedule at station 1 my Monday.

If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact me. Text is preferred between 8 A.M - 10 P.M. 573-579-0689.

Thank you.

Ron Kiplinger

Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)