- Manager: Jeff Gold
This course covers the relationship between flow, pressure, and mathematical hydraulic formulas. The course includes pump theory, pump rating, and pressure and vacuum gauges.
- Manager: Jeff Gold
The curriculum for the class was developed for Indian River Shores Public Safety Department but meets and exceeds the standards for ATPC 1302 - Fire Apparatus Operations and is the second class of the two part series to test for Florida Pump Operator certification. The curriculum covers the laws, rules and driving techniques for emergency vehicles, as well as a review of fire service hydraulics. Fire ground evolutions and a driving course make up the practical part of the course. The evolution portion of the course includes the use of pre-connected lines, tandem pumping, drafting, relays and master streams. The student should have a basic understanding of fire stream hydraulics prior to entering this course. Students must bring gloves and proper attire for water pumping exercises.
- Manager: Jeff Gold
- Manager: Jeff Gold