NFPA 1041 Instructor 1 Blended Program
Required text: Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 8th Ed. Chapter 1-9
Theory: Online Accessed through:
Enrollment key: MFD15965
PowerPoints and notes included for reference. Chapter quizzes are available for study purposes but not required to be completed. Chapter tests are required to be completed.
Practical: 3 practical skills to be completed.
1) The candidate shall present a 10 to 12 minute presentation, given a prepared lesson plan from the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Fire Fighter I and II curriculum, so that the stated objectives or learning outcomes are achieved. Students may give a presentation on a Hazardous Materials or EMS topic with prior approval of the instructor; an alternative topic must be in the form of a prepared lesson plan, media, and test. Lesson will need to be provided to 5 students and video taped for OFMEM review.
2) The candidate will complete the training record form provided for the 10-12-minute prepared presentation given during the course.
3) The candidate, given a provided scenario and information, will prepare the memorandum to a supervisor on the page provided requesting the necessary resources and needed facilities for the selected training session. Establishing the schedule for the training session will also be performed so the specified session can be delivered in an appropriate time frame.
- Manager: CTO Malahide Fire Services
- Manager: CTO Malahide Fire Services