Fire Service Instructor I

NFPA 1021 Fire Officer I

This course provides Firefighters with timely information that aids in their daily performance as a fire officer. Topics covered include roles and responsibilities, administration, accountability, cultural diversity, health and safety, human resource management, public relations, functional leadership, incident command, inspection and investigation, budgeting process, basic strategic planning, and basic strategy and tactics. The Fire Officer I course is intended for the frontline fire officers with a supervisory role.

This is the inaugural NFPA course offered by the Independent First National Alliance (IFNA) Regional Fire Rescue under their Indigenous Emergency Services Academy (IESA); and in partnership with the Indigenous Fire Marshal Service (IFMS) and the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council (NIFSC) 


Monday 10 to Friday 14 July 2023


IFNA; Lac Seul First Nation, Fire and Emergency Services, Ontario


Reno Levesque, Chief Training Officer (Ajax Fire and Emergency Services)


Shain Kimbell, Deputy Fire Chief (Ajax Fire & Emergency Services & ERTSAR)


Gary Foo; Deputy Fire Chief (IFNA Regional Fire Rescue & ERTSAR)


NFPA 1021 Fire Officer; Level I, 2014 Edition


Cost / Sponsor

The entire cost for this course (valued at several thousand dollars) is being sponsored by The Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA), Advanced Rescue by DIMERSAR and The Emergency Response Team SAR.  Our gratitude also to The Ajax Fire and Emergency Services for their support and assistance in delivery. We would also like to thank the Province of Ontario and the OFM for their templates in offering this course.

Course outline materials:

Course outline materials will be provided using online IFSTA Resource One access and the associated materials.  Upon registration you will be provided an online learning key. Please sign up immediately upon receipt as this course information should be started 10 to 15 days before the face to face portion.

Prerequisites: Firefighter II (NFPA 1001), HazMat Ops (472 / 1072) and Fire Service Instructor (1041)

These prerequisites may be waived to attend and complete the training. However, they would be required prior to fully accredited and certified status for full compliance with the standard.

Rationale: Waived Prerequisites

Due to the general lack of such qualifications in the First Nations Fire Departments, the usual NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter II and Co-requisite NFPA 1041 Fire Instructor I is waived.  It is intended that these courses will be successfully completed by all in the future and at that time the candidate would be eligible for However, the attendees need to be selected from candidates involved in the IFNA Regional Fire Rescue or delivery partners.


The course will be offered in English however future versions may be adjusted to the local language where Indigenous Languages are spoken more commonly, often that English.


The Fire Officer program is offered with initial online self-directed learning, and then followed by a week of classroom-based sessions as well as practicums.  The progressive steps build upon each layer until the candidate ultimately meets all the requirements of NFPA 1021, Fire Officer, 2014 Edition.  Upon successful completion of this course the candidates will then be expected to assist and support further leadership and training to others by supplying ongoing services to build capacity in the First Nations Fire Rescue Depts.


IFNA recognised testing will be conducted at the conclusion of the Fire Officer I in-class sessions and course attendees will also complete and submit their skills sign-offs to receive their certification.  Although this is an IFNA and IFMS lead initiative it closely mirrors the system used in the Province via the OFM.

Registration Note: 

As this is a blended course, with a substantial amount of pre-class work that must be completed before attending the in-class sessions, the course candidates must be known at least a month before with all materials and information being completed before the in-class sessions.  We will not ne able to accommodate late registrations or replacements of students or add additional students once the class is confirmed.



Certificates will come from the Indigenous Emergency Services Academy (ESA) which is a First Nations partnership entity with the Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA) and the Indigenous Fire Marshal Service (IFMS)